Well the answer is, get ready . . . almost there. . . N O ! But you were expecting that, right? ( hope so! ) but its not as easy as it is said, is it?
Every year I go back to school, just like every other student on the planet, just like I am used to. However, every year the anxiety comes back before I leave. Its nothing I haven’t seen before, I know what I’m signed up for, and what’s about to happen…yet there it still is, always in the back of my mind, creeping up on me as the date comes closer. I get angry at myself because I know that there is not much to be anxious about. As you can imagine, that doesn’t help the situation.
I know I’m not alone. I know there are so many others out there dealing with the same problem. And while I hope you are working towards refreshing your mind, I hope you also know that there is nothing wrong with you. Anxiety is a normal thing that people deal with. You just have to learn to curb it, to not let it control you. (easier said than done, am I right?!) I can tell you something, I’m anxious every time I post something on this blog. There are so many times I’ve started writing things and just erased everything . . . afraid to post to the public. Afraid for my friends and family to see. Afraid of anyone to see really. But if you think about it, everyone feels these emotions. Everyone gets anxious and everyone gets depressed. We just have to learn to not let it control our lives. We are so much more important than that. YOU are so much more important to the world than to be able to be beaten down by anxiety.
My darlings, I hope you realise this ~~ and I hope I can help you come through it with me. Anxiety should have no control over any part of your brain. You should NOT be anxious to be yourself. You should NOT be anxious about making mistakes. Why? Because everyone makes mistakes. Everyone wants to be themselves. This is how we learn. Everyone makes mistakes, I promise. I have yet to meet someone who is not beating themselves up for at least something!!
— Y’ALL, I better see you go play some despacito and dance it off … I’m literally doing it RIGHT NOW. Go do it!! You also better be posting that selfie, going outside of that door without makeup because you’re lazy (and STILL BEAUTIFUL,) you better be going to the movies with that boy . . . etc etc. Go outside of your comfort zone! Go live your life!
You are not the only one. You are not alone.